Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly (IQCODE)

16 question geriatric cognitive screener


1.Compared with 10 years ago how is this person at, remembering things about family and friends - eg, occupations, birthdays, addresses?
2.Compared with 10 years ago how is this person at, remembering things that have happened recently?
3.Compared with 10 years ago how is this person at, recalling conversations a few days later?
4.Compared with 10 years ago how is this person at, remembering his/her address and telephone number?
5.Compared with 10 years ago how is this person at, remembering what day and month it is?
6.Compared with 10 years ago how is this person at, remembering where things are usually kept?
7.Compared with 10 years ago how is this person at, remembering where to find things which have been put in a different place from usual?
8.Compared with 10 years ago how is this person at, knowing how to work familiar machines around the house?
9.Compared with 10 years ago how is this person at, learning to use a new gadget or machine around the house?
10.Compared with 10 years ago how is this person at, learning new things in general?
11.Compared with 10 years ago how is this person at, following a story in a book or on TV?
12.Compared with 10 years ago how is this person at, making decisions on everyday matters?
13.Compared with 10 years ago how is this person at, handling money for shopping?
14.Compared with 10 years ago how is this person at, handling financial matters - eg, the pension, dealing with the bank?
15.Compared with 10 years ago how is this person at, handling other everyday arithmetic problems - eg, knowing how much food to buy, knowing how long between visits from family or friends?
16.Compared with 10 years ago how is this person at, using his/her intelligence to understand what's going on and to reason things through?


The IQCODE (Informant Questionnaire for Cognitive Decline in the Elderly) is a commonly used International questionnaire that uses collateral information to assess for cognitive decline associated with functional impairment over a ten year span of time. The questionnaire can be filled out by a relative or friend who has known the elderly person for 10 years or more. The IQCODE for Neurocognitive Disorders "screening" or "triage" may have particular utility in primary care or general practice healthcare settings. This informant questionnaire can be very useful in the screening and evaluation of Neurocognitive Disorders, especially when combined with cognitive tests such as the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). It alone however isn’t sufficient to diagnose a Neurocognitive Disorder.

The shortened 16-question version of the IQCODE has also been well studied over multiple years, but it’s psychometric properties aren’t consistent from study to study. In general a cut-off point (average score) of 3.3 achieves a balance of sensitivity and specificity, however there are a limited number of studies of varying quality. A positive screening should be followed up with a detailed clinical evaluation to determine the diagnosis, severity, treatment course, and prognosis.


Harrison JK, Stott DJ, Mcshane R, Noel-storr AH, Swann-price RS, Quinn TJ.

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2016 November 21, 11: CD011333

Jorm AF, Scott R, Cullen JS, Mackinnon AJ.

Psychological Medicine 1991, 21 (3): 785-90

Harrison JK, Fearon P, Noel-storr AH, Mcshane R, Stott DJ, Quinn TJ.

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014, (7): CD010771

Harrison JK, Fearon P, Noel-storr AH, Mcshane R, Stott DJ, Quinn TJ.

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015 March 10, (3): CD010772

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1. Compared with 10 years ago how is this person at, remembering things about family and friends - eg, occupations, birthdays, addresses?

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