Sepsis Induced Coagulopathy (SIC) Score

Estimate risk of sepsis-induced coagulopathy


The Sepsis Induced Coagulopathy (SIC) Score is a three variable scoring system designed to identify septic patients likely to have SIC and inform clinicians of mortality values associated with each score increment. It is a revised scoring system created to incorporate new data from the Sepsis III datasets.
Investigators examined a series of hematologic parameters and through logistic regression were able to identify that platelet count, INR, and SOFA score were independently predictive of mortality. SIC was defined as being present with total SIC score of 4 or more, though contributions from the platelets and INR components had to be at least 3. The justification for these values was a steep rise in mortality at that threshold, which has been reproduced in multiple validation studies.
Limitations with this work is that within the derivation study all patients were treated with recombinant thrombomodulin, which may have influenced the 28-day mortality rates. Study authors propose those with higher SIC scores should be evaluated for the presence of DIC.

Variable & Associated Points

  • INR
    • ≤ 1.2
    • > 1.2 to 1.4
    • > 1.4
  • Platelet count (units: cells x 109/L)
    • ≥ 150
    • 100 to 150
    • < 100
  • Total SOFA Score (Scoring only Respiratory, Cardiovascular, Hepatic, and Renal components)
    • 0
    • 1
    • > 2

SIC is present if score is 4 or greater, with contributions from INR/Platelet components at least equal to 3.

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1. INR?

0/3 completed